That day when Jo, Hidhir and Xy come to my hse, it was a busy day for me at least to clean up the mess!
Our dear Jo happened to forget to cover her water bottle. Thats not it, she can still put it back into her bag which was placed on my bed.
Ya... The whole bottle of water leaked (or perhaps soaked is a nicer word, but oh well.) and her bag, books, stuffs were all wet. Not to mentioned my bed too!
P.S>Lol. Im not angry ar! Juz to make myself clear. LoL! It's funny that one can be so sotong until that she forgets to cover her water bottle~ heeeheee **No offense ;p**
So the whole day I was kinda busy helping her drying her books, my bed, her bag, my bed and my bed.
Jo was rather upset that her book was wet but the books will be readable after it drys. Cheer up! =)
Here's the most funny part~ (at least to me!)
Kinda need to empty Jo's bag to make sure it dry and I found this:

I have discovered some new kind of mentos!
Here's another view of it:

Haha~ It's not some mentos wrapper! There's really a squashed mentos in it and Hidhir commented that maybe if you put it in a freezer and freeze it, you can eat it again! LOL!
Strange things sure are happening in your bag these days... Maybe I can find some Mushroom growing in my bag someday! xD
Our dear Jo happened to forget to cover her water bottle. Thats not it, she can still put it back into her bag which was placed on my bed.
Ya... The whole bottle of water leaked (or perhaps soaked is a nicer word, but oh well.) and her bag, books, stuffs were all wet. Not to mentioned my bed too!
P.S>Lol. Im not angry ar! Juz to make myself clear. LoL! It's funny that one can be so sotong until that she forgets to cover her water bottle~ heeeheee **No offense ;p**
So the whole day I was kinda busy helping her drying her books, my bed, her bag, my bed and my bed.
Jo was rather upset that her book was wet but the books will be readable after it drys. Cheer up! =)
Here's the most funny part~ (at least to me!)
Kinda need to empty Jo's bag to make sure it dry and I found this:

I have discovered some new kind of mentos!
Here's another view of it:

Haha~ It's not some mentos wrapper! There's really a squashed mentos in it and Hidhir commented that maybe if you put it in a freezer and freeze it, you can eat it again! LOL!
Strange things sure are happening in your bag these days... Maybe I can find some Mushroom growing in my bag someday! xD
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